While going through Appendix C I quickly ran into trouble with the mocky Unit test for the new list view when I converted it to a class based view. the following is a description of how I made it work.
Jenkins runs it's build shell scripts with /bin/sh -xe which means any command that runs tests that has failing tests will abort the entire build and you likely won't see the JUnit reports for your entire test suite.
I've come up with some simple shell functions that will allow all of our test commands to run and then still allow the build to still fail like it's supposed to when we are ready for it.
This article describes my Jenkins setup for going through the book Test-Driven Development with Python
We will discuss the following steps:
There is a much simpler and better way to run QUnit tests for Test-Driven Development with Python
After trying to use the xUnit plugin for Jenkins (which I will be writing about more in depth soon) I ran into the problem of generating JUnit reports for QUnit tests. This article is about my solution to that problem.
While going over chapter 21 of Test-Driven Development with Python I kept getting failing tests with
BrokenPipeError: [Errno 32] Broken pipe exception
This article describes my workaround for this problem.